Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Back From Outer Space..

Well I am back after a long and exhaustive month which consisted of travel, and then no computer.

So here is what you have missed in the last month.

Chris has been traveling a lot lately.... and well, I just get so lonely. Nah, it really hasn't been that bad.

Seabass (AKA Dave, David, or my brother) got married. Lets all collectively sigh "whewww." We are all very happy, and happy to have suz. part of the family.

Spent some time in Utah visiting family. It was a lot of fun but always nice to get back home.

Pool turned green (thanks Chris)... lots of chemicals and cleaning....pool looks good(thanks Nancy)

Jack turned 1! I can't believe it has been a year, oh wait a minute....yes I can.

Jack started walking.

Jack started throwing temper tantrums!

Jessica is having fun but misses her cousins.

Chris surprised me with a quick Chicago getaway. (Awesome dinner, Tickets to Wicked, Fun day of exploring.) How awesome is Chris....He is now off the hook for the pool ;)

All in all life is good. Jessica is really excited to start preschool. I'm excited to not have to make appointments at the gym for Jack. Chris is excited for Utah Football. The only downer is my clutch writing skills and the big zit on my chin. Please excuse all grammatical errors.

Here are the JUNE-JULY-PART of AUGUST Best of pics


tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

Love all the pictures. I am so glad we able to get together!! Thanks again for the sweet cupcake!! It's already in my kitchen! love ya.

Tom & Michelle said...

Im glad you are back to the blogging world!! I love all your pictures but Im sad I didnt make any of them :)