I am so happy to feel good again. I didn’t get sick with Jack and Jessica, but this little girl created a rough five months. I feel like I got cheated out of my second trimester. The one you are suppose to feel good because you aren’t sick anymore. I’m trying to convince Chris that we should go to Florida (sans kids) for a long weekend before we have the baby or at least a spa weekend. Chris if you are reading this nudge, nudge, KICK.
Jessica started ballet through parks and rec. I can’t see spending lots of money on classes, and recitals until she decides it is something she wants to do. She does love it. She thinks her ballet slippers are the greatest thing on earth right now. She will school you in memory. Jessica continues to love preschool, and loves to tell me who got in trouble at school. Turns out some kid named DJ acts up quite a bit.
Jackson is going through the cutest stage ever. He is so cute when he decides to turn on the charm. I took the pacifier away last week. Jack only used the pacifier for nap time and bed time. He would wake up in the middle of the night 4-5 times wanting us to get his pacifier. It was really annoying plus I wanted to kick the habit before the new baby comes. Chris was in Chicago last week, and I really wanted to surprise him when he got home. I ended up having to tell him because I needed support 45 minutes into crying the first night. We used the Ferber method, and it completely worked for us. You go in at different intervals of time to give verbal encouragement. The first night Jack cried for an hour. Mid cry he fell asleep. He woke up once that night for about 20 minutes of crying and fell back asleep. Since then it has been no cry bed times, very restful nights. The poor kid also has had a nasty cough since October. They recently decided that he has asthma so he is now on a couple different breathing treatments and a granular medicine I can mix into his food. I hope this will help out.